Insurance Coverage

Comprehensive and Dependable Multifamily Insurance Coverage

At Multifamily Risk Advisors, we provide robust and comprehensive insurance solutions designed to protect your multifamily properties.

Our tailored coverage ensures your investments are secure, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on managing and growing your portfolio.

Property Insurance

Protects your multifamily buildings and assets against damage from events like fire, theft, and natural disasters, ensuring your investments remain secure.

Business Income & Extra Expense

Covers lost income and additional expenses incurred due to property damage, helping you maintain financial stability and continue operations during repairs.

Equipment Breakdown

Provides coverage for equipment breakdowns, including boilers and HVAC systems, reducing downtime and repair costs to keep your property running smoothly.

Commercial General

Liability Insurance

Protects against claims of bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury occurring on your property, ensuring your liability risks are managed effectively.

Auto, Hired and


Covers liabilities arising from the use of vehicles owned, hired, or non-owned by your business, providing essential protection for your transportation needs.

Excess/Umbrella Liability

Offers additional liability coverage beyond the limits of your primary policies, providing an extra layer of financial protection against large claims.


Covers costs associated with pollution incidents, including cleanup and legal fees, helping you manage environmental risks and comply with regulations.

Terrorism Coverage

Protects against damages and losses caused by acts of terrorism, ensuring your property and financial interests are safeguarded in these extreme situations.

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